The Media Ownership Structure and Turkish Economy


The one that who dares to understand the latent system which works at the background of ownership structure of media sector, it should be considered the main structure of Turkish economy. The codes of this structure lie under the inducement of economy focused on rapid growth by the actors within the system. The linkages between sectoral composition of economic growth and investors are intersecting just on the media table. So much so that, one can apprehend the importance of that table, who take a look at the past 10 years when the transformation of Turkish economy and political scene has broadly be taken.

In this work, we try to focus on how Turkish media turn back its core reality which once rose from the political roots in its brief history. We must ensure that the political parallellism of media is always be taken for granted. But after the Hurriyet and Milliyet dailies were inaugurated, capital holders had taken a step into media sector with the sole purpose of making money.1 Nowadays this purpose still survives, even much greater but let’s say, under new circurstances. The circumstances that changed urge media to be taken its role more political style rather than rationally managing firm. Frankly speaking, media tools are using as government’s mass media corporations in order to get as much as public tender by who also have or control those media corporations. So, what we shall try to be elicited is the question of how political figures and media owners meet at the same table in order to create new order of political economy.

Moreover, our goal is to show in this paper how Turkish economy changes due to its structure last years and what the media has a role in this newly composition. We give some detailed information in relation to the possession of media companies and gross investments which are affecting the growth numbers of economy. Later, we shall express a brief result by demonstrating the interpenetrating relation between three facts; media ownership, economich growth and political gains. In this regard, it should be emphasised that one who read this paper will get the new deal among governmental aims and mass media owners over the public tender issues.


Changing scope of media is an inevitable result of neo-liberal economic transformation just not in the world but also in Turkey, since the barriers against the more conservative economic system has been down began in 1980's. Containing very much parallelism with the New Right experience by the hand of the Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain and Ronald Reagan in United States, the great transformation process started to stir in economic structure with liberal and conservative conception with Turgut Özal. From the very start, there are two oxymorons seem come together such as liberal and conservative, although this new ideological identity works with harmony all parts of the world especially in the new roaring economies such as Turkey. In this new economic structure, new media environment urges media companies to make sturdy ties with the new right governance. All these changings conducted in the name of free market economy, but its competition conception and freedom of press principle seems forget or at least not seen as necessary at all. Thus, the point is not consist of a economic system which had changed, but also aims of the media owners are evolved in regard to getting more public tenders under favour of being an embedded media operator.

Media in Turkey is a bedroom for both capital and political power. As our work looks for putting plainly that the business owners who takes part in foremost energy and construction sectors and others like port operating, finance, service, commercial etc. also willing to possess media company or they are compelling for it. As Ceren Sözeri mentioned in her article in that whom media bosses said that they have been urged to have a media company by politicians. This clarifies the flagrant situation of media in Turkey. We must say that if a country places its media environment into those kind of dirty trick plays, there wouldn’t be any chance to boast its democracy. Letting ideal values or criticizing liberal pluralist media theories out, Turkey still needs to be a liberal country which based on a rule of law. Such that, when we review the number of journalists in jail, Turkey were placed on the top in 2013 with a 40. This reality also clearly shows how media companies use for unproper aims by those who have them, not for the ideal purposes.

Lastly, it has to be said that the political aims which pave the way through fulfilling economy policy based on solely economic growth effect fatally media environment and thus freedom of information of public. This causes manipulating of public opinion easily when the political interests come into. This is no longer sustainable and has to be considered seriously while a modern and developing country’s vivacious public deserves to have better.

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