Damage Has Been Done!

I pick on an issue nowadays, somebody called it "Kurdish Initiative". That is neither about giving the rights for free sex of Kurdish people, nor exempting the Kurdish people from any kind of government taxes. (According to me what they really need is what I've just written!) As you have already thought since I wrote this issue in my blog, I precisely wrote what urged me to be a nuisance man. That's absolutely related with being an eyewitness to an unreal "initiative", a bargain of special territory, Northern Iraq!

This Monday, the Interior Minister of the Republic of Turkey will be releasing what the government already arranged in order to stabilize their position on the issue. But on the same day, the Democratic Society Party(or DTP) will declare Abdullah Öcalan's road map for demands of Kurdish people. That is the simple example of how DTP and Öcalan are getting together and how their speeches are roughly in line with each other. We have no doubt as a speck of dust any more about it. But still Prime Minister Erdoğan might have high hopes to change this perception by the head of DTP, Ahmet Türk. But that does not seem so possible.

On Monday, where things will come to a real tremor. I was trying to write anything about the issue by using my brain as unfettered. But the real situation of the issue now seems much more vulgar than ever; the Kurdish Initiative is now being a part of an impending collapse. The support of broad to Öcalan and his political faces such as Ahmet Türk, Emine Ayna etc. and the government's relation will be turning to an inevitable bickering on Monday. As PM said before; the government will be faced with every political risk and they will have to proceed. I suppose that the government will ostracize DTP's demands but they won’t be able to get their demands, which has a critical importance to implement the road of democratic initiative. Hence, as I emphasized before, without any pathfinder for Kurdish People from PKK, it is not possible to provide a real solution. But on the other hand, this solution means specifically that Turkish people and especially Turkish Army Forces eventually announce their step back from the issue and proclaim their defeat. Do you suppose that it is possible, even to be able to think about it? The government which under pressure of a huge population of honorable Turkish people would be stubborn for making a real democratic initiative. I do not think so! They are not as gullible as I thought! The government is implementing this project in terms of under false pretences; PM tried to make a deal with Ahmet Türk, cause they have a task to achieve and are trying to achieve their goal before the USA withdraws its troops from Iraq! Time is passing and if they don’t announce their initiative on Monday, the government is going to be much more thrown in at the deep end.

To summarize, what the government will launch on Monday is going to explode in their hands. Damage already has been done, and Busybody Erdoğan is now much more closer to his political end then ever happened. Let's carry on being eyewitnesses of the process and seeing what is really going to happen.

--thanks to Nesli for checking--


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